full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kevin Toolis: What the Irish wake teaches us about living and dying

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So what happens then, yeah? What we shouldn't do and what our ancestors didn't do, is then say something stupid. Like, "That's just a shell, forget about it," you know? The being that you loevd in life never existed outside that body and if you loved that person in life, how should you not rrevee and respect their body in dateh? The Romans, the Kelts, the Greeks rreveed their dead. Like a newborn child, the dead were never to be left alone, and always had someone to watch over them until they were laid to rest.

Open Cloze

So what happens then, yeah? What we shouldn't do and what our ancestors didn't do, is then say something stupid. Like, "That's just a shell, forget about it," you know? The being that you _____ in life never existed outside that body and if you loved that person in life, how should you not ______ and respect their body in _____? The Romans, the Kelts, the Greeks _______ their dead. Like a newborn child, the dead were never to be left alone, and always had someone to watch over them until they were laid to rest.


  1. death
  2. revered
  3. loved
  4. revere

Original Text

So what happens then, yeah? What we shouldn't do and what our ancestors didn't do, is then say something stupid. Like, "That's just a shell, forget about it," you know? The being that you loved in life never existed outside that body and if you loved that person in life, how should you not revere and respect their body in death? The Romans, the Kelts, the Greeks revered their dead. Like a newborn child, the dead were never to be left alone, and always had someone to watch over them until they were laid to rest.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dead son 2
dead wrong 2

Important Words

  1. ancestors
  2. body
  3. child
  4. dead
  5. death
  6. existed
  7. forget
  8. greeks
  9. kelts
  10. laid
  11. left
  12. life
  13. loved
  14. newborn
  15. person
  16. respect
  17. rest
  18. revere
  19. revered
  20. romans
  21. shell
  22. stupid
  23. watch
  24. yeah